Buying Guide

Owning a luxury home sauna is one of the biggest levers you have for overall health and wellness. Starting this chapter of your wellness journey can be overwhelming tho. There's an array of sauna sizes and different types readily available nowadays. It can be hard to know where to start.

We made this guide to help you make an informed decision when choosing your new luxury home sauna that suits you and your needs.

Key Points:
  • Understanding the differences between sauna types
  • Deciding between an indoor or outdoor sauna
  • Identifying the right size for your sauna

Infrared Sauna or Traditional Sauna?

There are two main types of saunas: traditional saunas (Finnish Saunas) and infrared saunas. While both offer a myriad of benefits, the way you achieve them differs.

Traditional Saunas:

A traditional sauna, also known as a Finnish sauna, offers a typical sauna experience with higher temperatures, where you relax in a wood-lined room heated by an electric or wood-fired heater filled with rocks. You can pour water over the heated rocks to create steam and enhance the experience. Traditional saunas reach temperatures of 150 to 195 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing users to control the temperature and humidity.

  • Typically reaches a maximum of 195 degrees using an electric or wood-burning heater
  • Takes up to 20 to 35 minutes to heat.
  • Uses more electricity than an infrared sauna.
  • Humidity can be added by splashing water over the rocks
  • Traditional saunas feel hotter and, you usually sweat more than an infrared sauna

Infrared Saunas:

An infrared sauna is similar in design to a traditional sauna, but it uses infrared technology to heat the body directly instead of heating the air. The temperatures are lower, ranging from 120 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, and users can start using the sauna immediately. Sessions typically last 10-15 minutes, but some users may prefer longer sessions due to the lower temperatures.

  • Uses electric infrared technology to heat the body directly through infrared waves
  • Reaches a maximum of 140 degrees.
  • Takes up to 10 to 15 minutes to heat.
  • A gentler form of heat on the body
  • Typically designed for indoor use

Heating Options For Traditional and Infrared


Carbon FAR Infrared:

Carbon fiber or panel-based infrared saunas provide consistent heat that can reach a maximum temperature of 140 degrees within approximately 10 minutes. They are cost-effective to operate as they consume less electricity compared to electric saunas.

Ceramic FAR Infrared: 

Ceramic infrared saunas produce abundant and long-lasting infrared heat in approximately 10 minutes. While they tend to be pricier than carbon heaters, they are still more economical to operate than electric saunas.

Traditional Heaters


Electric heaters are less expensive and more convenient than a traditional wood-burning stove heaters. Flipping a switch and waiting only twenty or thirty minutes to enjoy your sauna session is a huge selling point.

Wood Fired Stove:

For those who prefer an authentic sauna experience, a wood-fired sauna stove is a popular choice. The presence of wood smoke is considered essential by many traditional sauna enthusiasts, adding to the overall ambiance. Additionally, wood-fired stoves are a practical option in areas without access to electricity.

Indoor Versus Outdoor

Indoor saunas are commonly constructed as standalone structure that is often found in home gyms, master bathrooms, basements, or spas. Free-standing indoor saunas provide flexibility and mobility, allowing them to be easily moved between different homes and installed at any desired time. Installation is easier, as no foundation is required, and access to electricity and water is readily available. They are also easily accessible anytime and in any weather in the luxury of your own home.

An outdoor sauna offers the benefits of enjoying the sauna experience in a natural setting, providing privacy, fresh air, and a deeper connection with nature. It allows for more space, making it ideal for socializing and accommodating larger groups. They also offer the advantage of easy ventilation. You will need to have or build a foundation for your outdoor sauna to provide proper stability.

Size of Your Sauna

Choosing the right size sauna depends on several factors and your personal preferences. Consider the following guidelines when selecting the size of your sauna:

Available space: Measure the area where you plan to install the sauna to determine the maximum dimensions it can accommodate. Take into account both the floor space and the height of the room when measuring.

Number of users: Determine how many people will typically be using the sauna at the same time. If it's just for personal use, a smaller sauna may be sufficient. However, if you plan to host sauna sessions with multiple people, you'll need a larger sauna to accommodate everyone comfortably.

Comfort and mobility: Consider how much space you want inside the sauna for movement and relaxation. If you prefer a spacious and open feel, you might opt for a larger sauna. On the other hand, if you have limited space and prefer a more intimate setting, a smaller sauna can still provide a cozy experience. Many people enjoy laying down in their saunas and this would require a bench's length appropriate to your height.

Purpose: Determine the main purpose of your sauna. If it's primarily for therapeutic purposes, such as relieving muscle tension or promoting relaxation, a smaller sauna may suffice. However, if you plan to incorporate activities like yoga or stretching inside the sauna, a larger size might be more suitable.

Future needs: Anticipate any future changes or additions to your sauna usage. If your family or household is expected to grow or if you plan to invite guests regularly, it's wise to choose a size that can accommodate potential future requirements.



Initially, choosing a new sauna for your home can be overwhelming but, if you follow our guide, your decision-making process should be more straightforward and even fun!

First, decide whether you want an infrared or traditional sauna. Consider the ambiance you're going for and whether or not your sauna will be outside. (Infrared saunas are designed for indoors typically)

Next, you must decide the size of your new sauna. Consider the space you have to use, the number of people that will join you. Also consider the comfort you will want to experience. Some people only want to sit, while others want to lay down and stretch in their sauna.

In conclusion, use this information to determine the perfect location, size and type of new luxury sauna for your home. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to assist you in finding the luxury sauna of your dreams, ensuring years of improved health and pure relaxation ahead.